Perl is a high-level, interpreted, general-purpose programming language originally developed for text manipulation. It borrows many features from C and Shell script and is used for system administration, networking, and other applications that involve user interfaces Perl is popular among programmers, along with other programming languages like PHP and Python. In earlier days, programmers used Perl to write CGI scripts. Perl is often used as a departmental glue between multiple systems that are not homogenous or allowed to interoperate seamlessly. The system administers love this language as they can enter a single command to accomplish a goal that otherwise would require a program to be written. Perl is mainly portable, with some degree of customizations between Windows and macOS. Developers also use the language to build and deploy. It is used by most of the suppliers or software manufacturers to package and deploy the software commercially (including COTS and bespoke). It is widely used in the field of finance and bioinformatics due to its ability to handle and process large volume data sets.